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Steven Hasty

Steven Hasty

0 consultations

US, Richmond

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About Me

My goal is to work with very small businesses and/or entrepreneuers looking for information on getting started. I’ve worked in developing small business sales and marketing strategies since 2008. I have created an online presence from scratch. My name is Steven Hasty and I can help answer questions for small businesses looking for basic solutions for getting started: accounting software, website hosting, basic marketing, social media promotion, Amazon selling, setting up basic networks for multi-station workplaces. I also have experience in music, audio visual equipment, etc. I am a bi-vocational music pastor at a smal Baptist church. I have taught guitar lessons since I was in high school (early 2000s). I am abke to create high quality video content for small businesses and organizations. Please check out my Twitter account to view some of my personal video projects.

Where I can help



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$ 5 per minute

15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.

Online booking coming soon!