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Caleb Calvillo

Caleb Calvillo

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US, Denver

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About Me

โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉนโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’– Hello, I'm a messenger and servant of God. Recently indwelled with the Holy Spirit a couple weeks ago when I completely acquiesced to God's request, despite myself. I was suicidal with rope In hand; Asking God to kill me or I'll do it myself, unless He's got a mission for me. I will deny the mark and go to the guillotine or whatever God needs. God tasked me with being His messenger for the end times. I said ok. Boom! Holy Spirit. This has been the best 4 weeks of my life. No depression, anxiety or worry. God's got it. So I'm here to do his will, counsel and teach. I'm just some guy. I just let God use me as a vessel to implement what's needed. So ask away, it's what I'm here for. I Went From Alcoholic Degenerate To A Servant That Can Never Do Enough For God. I Accept The Free Gift Of Salvation But Because I Consider Myself Dead In Sin Already, I Can't Give God Enough In Return For His Compassion And Forgiveness. I Made A Covenant With God To Read His Word Every Day And Do His Will In Exchange For God To Talk Clearly To Me Through His Word. The Holy Bible. He Has Every Single Time. I Have Spent The Past 2 Weeks Turning My Brand New Bible I've Had Since I Was 13 Into Something That Looks As Old As I AM. Love God With All Your Heart And Soul. Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. So Just Make a covenant with God. Promise to do his will every day and read his word if he speaks clearly to you through the Bible whenever you ask. God will speak to you, every time. We have a chance to be a living sacrifice and follow God's will 100%. God deserves nothing less. Show God the devotion Abraham had when he had Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice. Be willing to jump on a grenade for God. Earn a seal of protection and a spot among the 144,000. Who else is blameless except God/Jesus? We certainly aren't. So how are there 144,000 blameless virgins??? It's virgin blameless, new to the covenant of 100% dedication. For if we are following his will 100% despite ourselves that's the closest anyone can ever be to blameless. God knows we will stumble as we are human, just give God the devotion and the choice offering God deserves and see if the storehouses of heaven open and shower you with more blessings than you could've ever imagined. Ask God for wisdom and discernment as well. That's more valuable than anything on the planet. Love God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. This is your starter package for piety. Jesus Christ was God in human flesh and bore the payment of our sin as a blameless sin offering. For good. Salvation is a gift of grace, simply repent and accept forgiveness. All glory goes to God. Forever. This is HIStory. Ask Away And Become One Of God's 144,000 Malachi For The End Times. His Special Forces That Get To Stay Behind To Teach Heathens About God's Love And Word. No Death Is Your Reward. Things Are Gonna Get bad Very Soon. Repent And accept Salvation. Ask Away Caleb

Where I can help

Ancient history
Faith and Spirituality
Higher Education
Mental Health


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