About Me
Sian Young, an International Speaker, Health Coach, Founder of Sustainable Success Coach, Co-Founder of ©Centre for Sustainable Action and ©SDG - Assessment App and SPF + the Sustainable Development Performance Indicators (SDPIs) Scorecard for organisations, a UN and TEDx a Multi-Award-Winning entrepreneur and Author. Sian believes in a world where businesses are sustainable and profitable where cooperation helps us excel in competition. She calls it the “interconnection” between planet and profit. She's on a mission to turn small businesses and entrepreneurs into profitable and sustainable enterprises ‘humanizing’ business through research, technology and cooperation. Sian combined her expertise and experience after 20 years in business and thriving despite of 7 years of homelessness, and then being bedridden for 2 years. Sian created a proven formula for ©Sustainable Health & Wellbeing (SHaW Model) extrapolated from Dr James Sustainable Strategic Growth Model (SSGM). Other achievements | Finalists for QBE#AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge in Boston 2022 | Finalists for Poland Prize | Finalists LHoFT Catapult Kickstarter in Luxembourg | NOVA SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute Alumni | Alumni of Esada e-Works Accelerator 2023 | Finalist She Loves Tech 2023 | Nominated for EarthShot Prize | Sian loves to coach female entrepreneurs and any business who wants to build sustainability into their life and business. TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNKeMBg2fFs&feature=youtu.be&themeRefresh=1 Get to know me and ALL the aspects that I coach in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKsL-_Pj_zk Coaching Testimonials - Not-for-profit testimonial - £50k - £1/4million in 8 months! - https://youtu.be/3K4NS2r-lHg?si=lWyhYSKAMyw6uq1z “I Honestly think she saved my daughter life” - https://youtu.be/fxTUby5Jh6Q?si=IG1t2E2oc_K_C3MJ Young female entrepreneur - https://youtu.be/nTk7BgjKwng?si=aqV9WEBcocFq-8rd TV-PRESS ALBUK TV - https://youtu.be/4H8F17gkKKE?si=_m21y26Shx2Xo3wV Ticker NEWS - https://youtu.be/TkbdpFqBlU8?si=UWvrRJ_coxSMU9m8 Thrive Global - How to slow down to speed up - https://thriveglobal.com/stories/sian-young-plan-plan-plan-plan-your-week/ Save £21,000 by living a sustainable life - https://metro.co.uk/2021/11/01/thrifty-mum-saves-21000-thanks-to-sustainable-lifestyle-15521932/?fbclid=IwAR0jxLE1WhZPao6KERyWv84aksdxSWFrEGt_u2vXgzgEO1EQZX-bry3jAhc Five Strategies Our Company Is Using To Tackle Climate Change & Become More Sustainable https://medium.com/authority-magazine/sian-young-five-strategies-our-company-is-using-to-tackle-climate-change-become-more-sustainable-400c2d977308 Power women Series Authority Mag - https://medium.com/authority-magazine/power-women-sian-young-of-sustainable-success-coach-on-how-to-successfully-navigate-work-love-and-69a02906e90f I would love to support your journey to success - ask me a question…. FAQ: How to sustainably mange life and business How to win awards and get press
Where I can help
Find me on the Minnect app and ask me a question or booking a call!
15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.