About Me
Rubin Sek is a sought after international Lean deployment specialist. Rubin’s skills and ability span over 30+ years within all sectors of industry, from automotive, warehousing, building & construction, food and beverage, medical / pharmaceutical and the service industry. Rubin can coach you in: * identifying WASTE within your processes * support in implementing systems * shape and restructure business culture * drive continuous improvement * improve business metrics * skill you in problem solving * implementation of 5s * streamline processes / flow of work * guide to Standard Operating Procedures * ….. plus much more in business and life! Everything we do, from getting dressed to completing a work task. Everything can be reviewed and improved to reduce waste. Contact me to work SMARTER not harder!
Where I can help
Find me on the Minnect app and ask me a question or booking a call!
15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.