About Me
l'm Dr. Ron Mottern, an expert in stress management and wellness coaching. I have worked with thousands of individuals around the world to create balance between mind, body, and spirit. I use a variety of modalities and techniques to help my clients, depending on their needs and preferences. A few of the modalities and techniques I employ include diaphragmatic breathing, EFT tapping, guided visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, hypnosis, biofeedback, qigong, martial arts (e.g., iaido), mindfulness meditation, cognitive restructuring, Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, etc. I have a PhD in Educational Psychology & Research, Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (State of Texas, #12781), Reality Therapy Certified, Certified In Clinical Hypnosis. I have published in peer-reviewed and professional journals and presented at both academic and professional conferences. I am the author of Living Well: A Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Skills Exercises, available on Amazon. For my own wellness, I enjoy Haedong Kumdo, Goju Ryu Karate, and all of the techniques listed above. I also write, both self-help books and novels. My novels include The Ulunsuti Cycle and Johnny Danger #1-#3. All of my books may be viewed through my author page on Amazon.
Where I can help
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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.