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Neil Ackroyd

Neil Ackroyd

1 consultations

GB, London

About Me

I am not your average or standard Corporate finance professional. Yes I have spent over 25 years advising people on buying and selling companies and yes I have spent half of that doing it myself. Yes I trained at KPMG and yes I have won national awards on multiple occasions. However, I am also a 28 year recovered alcoholic and as such have spent even longer that I have spent advising professional clients on their businesses, helping other alcoholics and addicts getting well. I would probably say that my understanding of Addiction, psychology and spirituality is deeper and arguably more valuable than my knowledge and understanding of business. However, the combination of the two has proved invaluable to clients, friends and family over the years. From a business perspective I graduated from Warwick Business School in 1997 (at the time it was rated number one in Europe), qualified as an accountant with KPMG in 2000 (actually completed the exams in 20 months with first time clear passes in every exam an achievement only a tiny percentage of students). I mention these achievements not really out of pride or Vanity but to let you know the technical side (numbers) of helping you is comically easy to me and together we can understand all of that stuff and focus on the really tough stuff, understanding the people. I was then headhunted by a top London Boutique firm where I learnt more about owner managed business and front line advisory. In 2003 at the age of 29 I started my own boutique, I ran that business for 15 years, in 2016 I sold it to a national firm  and stayed to hand the business over for 2 years. In 2009, 2010 and 2011 we won the “Corporate Finance Boutique of the year” award nationally with Business Moneyfacts. Since selling the business and leaving I have continued advising a small selection of clients as well as buying business with some partners on an individual basis and assisting the management teams in growing them for exit. On a personal level I have 5 children, 6 polo ponies, 2 dogs, 7 surf boards, 9 sofas and one set of golf clubs. I have performed Stand up comedy all over London, lectured on the psychology of owner managers and plc employees and written a book titles “a practical guide to Love and Hate” which is being published this year. I have one tattoo that is an AA logo with the roman numerals XV and CLXIV inside it and my favourite quote from the book on the outside “simple but not easy, a price had to be paid”. I firmly believe in daily self improvement and pride myself on trying to be the best and most helpful version on myself. The quote that didn’t make it into the tattoo is probably more relevant to how I live my life “At the moment we are trying to put our lives in order. But this is not an end in itself. Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us” If I can be of service to you, then please contact me.

Where I can help

Faith and Spirituality
Private Equity
Venture Capital


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