About Me
I am an entrepreneur, designer, manufacturer, and investor. I have a manufacturing business with +/- 45 employees in central Illinois. Our capabilities are extremely diverse, as we manufacture metal fabrications, push pull cables, assemblies, powder painted automotive accessories, plastics, sown fabric products, and rod ends/linkages. I am the product of great business and management mentors. I have tried a wide variety of ventures both successful and unsuccessful. All of which have taught me lessons on leadership and entrepreneurship. I did not graduate college. I am self taught (with internet guidance) in multiple programming languages, manufacturing softwares, and media production software. These include but are not limited to: FileMaker (business systems software) Python C++ G Code CAD software (solid works and fusion 360) Logic Pro (audio production software) Premiere Pro Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Animate I have taken products from concepts to patented products sold both to oems and consumers. I completed independently all of the following steps in the idea to product pipeline: Concept Development 3D Modeling Prototyping Estimating and Quoting Patent Application Drawings Graphics and Branding Application Testing Market Testing Manufacturing Engineering Production Planning Cost Reduction Design Creation Of Operator Training Materials Production Management Product Packaging Design Marketing Material Design Marketing Distribution Dealer Networking Website Building Order Fulfillment System Creation I have done this for products in multiple applications and industries. I have done all of these steps alone for my products, as well as helping others with components of the process. I have personally researched, tested, purchased, installed, run, and designed products to be made with a variety of machines. These machines I am comfortable calling my self an “expert with” are: Cnc tube benders Cnc wire formers Cnc sheer plasmas Co2 sheet lasers Fiber sheet and tube lasers Injection molders 3d printers Press brakes (bending sheet metal) Cnc mills Cnc lathes Presses (all kinds of presses) Additional Noteworthy Experience: Started a newspaper company. Ran unsuccessfully for state level political office. Started a successful political service company. Run a hobby farm with my wife. Strong conservative. Strong believer.
Where I can help
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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.
5 (1 reviews)
helpful and nice to chat with!