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Marcus Money

Marcus Money

4 consultations

US, Houston

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About Me

24 years in the recording studio and in the music business successful without an investor or start up capital. Tell me how I can help and I’ll at least 10x your investment in me, with the innovative solution or critical advice you need to overcome as an artist, producer, entrepreneur, business owner or marketer. I’m a seasoned recording artist with an active fanbase and reach of roughly 50,000 through my various platforms. My music has been streamed over a couple million times. I also own and operate Epik Recording Studios in Houston bringing in 6 figures. I’m also a multi-genre producer with a steady demand from clients for exclusive beats. I consult for many artists/clients outside of this app helping them with songwriting, studio building, music marketing, release scheduling and promoting, production workflow, mixing and mastering, profitable touring plans and more. Reach out and lets get you off the ladder and put you in the elevator going up. To success in your business.

Where I can help

Performing Arts


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$ 1 per minute

15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.

Online booking coming soon!

5 (1 reviews)

Rae Gibbons-Fraser
December 7, 2024

Marcus was great to speak to. He provided so many nuggets in the short amount of time we had. He’s highly experienced and super down to earth.