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Lucas Smith

Lucas Smith

0 consultations

US, Fort Myers

About Me

A musician, songwriter, storyteller deeply connected to God. Survivor of Aurora, CO mass shooting. 8 bullets remain embedded in my body. PTSD survival expert. Dying of stage 4 cancer discovered very recently. Before my likely death very soon, I decided to release some of the songs I’ve recorded over the years. I chose 50 to release across 4 albums on the same day. I’m compelled by the universe to release the songs that were gifted to me by God to survive my PTSD after the mass shooting — especially because of my likely death from the newly discovered stage 4 cancer I’m riddled with. I’m a private person and have never release any music since I began recording 18 years ago. It’s time.

Where I can help

Faith and Spirituality
Film and TV


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