About Me
Welcome! We will help you & your family grow closer to God by sharing personal & business experiences with a biblical touch. We use your family's values, experiences, & technology to make our journey together meaningful & efficient, restoring trust & integrity. Our Mission: We offer leadership via biblical strategies & community support, seeking God & staying committed to being Fresh in Spirit. What We Cover: Relationship vs. Religion: Understanding how faith fits into traditions, culture, & beliefs. Parenting: Tips on setting boundaries & using tools to handle family changes. Money, Real Estate, Sports & Engineering: Using biblical values for creativity & networking. Support for Individuals: Helping those who are single, divorced, abused, abandoned, widowed, or unsure about marriage. We guide you through pain & grief to find joy.
Where I can help
Find me on the Minnect app and ask me a question or booking a call!
15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.