About Me
I have a homestead in Texas and we raise ducks and TAMUK-C rabbits for meat and eggs. In my free time, I'm an independent investigator of and advocate for improving the health of America by digesting the secrets of our food and sick-care system. I help people understand what went wrong, and how we got to be among the sickest people on the planet. I also help people understand what great solutions are out there. From busy moms to rural farmers, I am always building a network of people who understand where our food comes from so we can relate to what we consume, rather than mindlessly ignore our health and wonder why our kids are sick. I have friends in... interesting... places, from ecological agriculture to the United Nations, and I LOVE engaging in conversations about food, whether it's keto diets or food conspiracies. If you have an important story you would like me to cover, please share!!! I will do my *sleuthing* and post it up on my YouTube channel!
Where I can help
Find me on the Minnect app and ask me a question or booking a call!
15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.