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Jay Owsley

Jay Owsley

0 consultations

US, Milton

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About Me

Jay Owsley – Expertise in Removable and Implant-Retained Dentures. Donated Dental services member and charitable service provider. As a second-generation dental laboratory owner and technician, I specialize in removable and implant-retained dentures and partials. With a strong focus on communication and innovation, my lab uses advanced digital technology integrated with AI to streamline production processes. With adequate communication between myself and the Dr., this allows me to eliminate inefficiencies, reduce chair time for patients, and ultimately increase profit for your practice. My goal is to help dentists deliver high-quality, precise results in less time, allowing you to increase productivity, while also focusing on patient care without worrying about delays or technical issues. (And so you will tell other doctors about the great experience you have with us) Charity Work Should any Dentist know any patients needing any charity work for any reason, Minnect me and I would be more than willing to help. For Patients If you’re a patient wearing dentures or partials, I’m here to assist you with any questions you may have and connect you with any of the great Dentist we work with should that be what you need. Whether it’s concerns about fit, comfort, or care, I’m happy to provide the guidance you need. With my years of laboratory and in office experience, I understand the importance of comfort and functionality in your dental appliance and will do my best to ensure you have a positive experience with your dentures or partials.

Where I can help



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