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Gurdeep Grewal

Gurdeep Grewal

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About Me

I am University Educated with a Degree in Business from SFU specializing in accounting and marketing. In my twenties I built my first franchise model, building a corporate Store in Purifed Water in the early 2000s and then to a chain of stores. Then in 2005, building the top online business selling wheels and tires in Canada. Growth was tremendous as they was no competition and we were first to market. I sold both busineses along the way to starting a family, my twin girls are 12 as I write this. With being the constant sports fan and my love for collecting cards and business have lead to making $50,000 a month and growing rapidly. I have a system I can teach to anybody where you can turn your input 5x per rotation. In the next couple of years, my plan is to start am auction house in Vancouver that primarily deals in sports cards, and other membrollia. How can I help your journey? 1. Help you with retail format, both brick and mortar and online. People always admiring your business and is your business a destination, we can help you franchise.

Where I can help

Product Development


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