About Me
I Will Teach You How To Exercise Your Rights Using The Common Law Which Includes Your Right To Private Economic Activity. This Means That You Are No Longer Consenting To Be Governed By Fraudulent Contracts You Have With Government Entities That You Have No Idea You Consented To. Your Mind Will Be Blown About The Reality Of The Small Details And Words That Put You Into Their Jurisdiction, Like: * Your Driver’s License Leash * Your Signature vs Your Autograph * Assumption Of Your IRS Status * Calling Yourself A US Citizen, Person, Resident * Forensic Load Audits To Expose Bank Fraud Over You * Exercising Your Right To Carry * Conveying Your Property To The Private Removing Tax Obligation * Being Aware Of Government Authority vs Your Consent Book Me When You Need A Legal Rescue From All Of The Above, Because What Is Legal Is Not Lawful And What Is Lawful Is Not Legal. If Your Freedom Matters To You, You Need To Understand The Difference. You Must Remove The Assumption & Presumption Of Your Status. Follow Me to Freedom! 100% of my Minnect income goes to charity.
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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.
4.94 (12 reviews)
Wow, received Gianna’s comprehensive answer very quickly. It was very helpful!
Hi Miss Gianna. I appreciate your answer. It is indeed unfortunate that my wife is vehemently against my participation with IU.
Thank you Gianna for the immediate response regarding the misdemeanor the State of Idaho filed against me. I will join the university ASAP.
TY!! I didn't expect such a quick response. Relieved to hear your answer. Yes, I can live w/o credit. Approx $20+k in debt. Will get ur book! Bless U!
Gianna was very prompt in answering my question thoroughly and in detail. I highly recommend and looking forward to receiving her book! Thank you!
Be sure to ask general not personal questions. Looking forward to reading Gianna’s new book Free-Dumb.