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Emilia Larsen

Emilia Larsen

1 consultations

LU, Grevenmacher

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About Me

I am a pharmacist with a passion for food and its impact on our well-being. With a bachelor's degree in pharmacy and experience in geriatric pharmacy, particularly in metabolic medication, I have gained valuable insights into the importance of nutrition in maintaining optimal health. Through my personal journey, I discovered the transformative power of making effective changes in my own diet. By removing certain foods and habits while introducing new ones, I experienced a significant improvement in my overall well-being. Recognizing that making such changes can be challenging, I am dedicated to helping others in their journey towards better health. I provide valuable tips and guidance on how to improve your overall health by making strategic choices in your diet. By reprogramming your body through these changes, you can unlock your full potential and achieve a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle. Let me help you unlock the secrets to a healthier you by harnessing the power of nutrition and making sustainable changes for long-term well-being.

Where I can help

Health and Wellness


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