About Me
“ABC”(American Born Chinese) Lawyer/Litigator with extensive knowledge and experience dealing with and representing Chinese companies and individuals in US state and federal courts. As a first-generation, “ABC” attorney, Ed’s understanding of both Western and Eastern cultures and ideologies allows him to truly step into the shoes of his clients and to provide the right legal services and solutions that are tailored to their best interests. Ed represents a variety of clients in high stakes litigation and has experience litigating complex matters throughout all phases of litigation in California state courts and numerous U.S. federal district courts. Ed currently serves as co-lead class counsel on behalf of a nationwide class of Tesla Model S owners involving the company’s use of over-the-air software updates that resulted in a 10% reduction in battery capacity of the affected vehicles, after successfully reaching a settlement with Tesla that includes a total payment of $1.5 million to be split amongst the class members. Since 2021, Ed has been selected to the Super Lawyers® - “Rising Stars” list for the state of California based upon peer recognition and professional achievement. 陈律师在美国联邦和州法院的各个阶段诉讼程序中都积累了丰富的实战经验,包括处理各类动议、庭外质询、陪审团开庭审判和法官开庭审判以及上诉等等。他尤其熟悉跨境诉讼中对于中国当事方会产生独特影响的事项,例如送达、管辖权、美国法律的域外适用效力、司法协助流程和跨境证据开示等。 在知识产权诉讼领域,陈律师曾代表大量中国电商卖家应诉美国知识产权诉讼。他倡导被起诉的中国企业勇于面对诉讼并积极应诉,而不是无条件与原告进行和解。在多个类似诉讼中,陈律师成功驳回了对中国企业的恶意诉讼,维护了中国企业的合法权益。随着中国企业创新能力的增强,陈律师在近年亦曾代表多家中国公司起诉美国的产品仿冒企业。 在跨境债务诉讼及执行领域,陈律师曾代表多家中国债权人基于《纽约公约》在美国联邦法院成功申请中国仲裁裁决的认可和执行,并获得了媒体的广泛报道。 在判决执行方面,陈律师善于以超出常规的思维方式帮助客户寻找被执行人的各类财产线索。陈律师认为,无法获得执行的胜诉判决无异于失败。 在集体诉讼领域,陈律师因其对特斯拉(Tesla)公司发起的多个产品质量集体诉讼而知名,陈律师还代理了一位日本行人因特斯拉自动驾驶功能故障致车祸丧生的案件,这是相关领域的首例案件。这些案件获得了包括路透社、华盛顿邮报、洛杉矶时报、CNBC在内的众多主流媒体的高度关注。 作为美国华裔,陈律师深谙东西方的文化与思维差异,善于从客户的角度思考问题,有能力提出最适合于客户的创新解决方案,有效保护中国企业和个人客户在美国的合法权益。 2021-2022年,陈律师被评为加州超级新星律师(Super Lawyers – Rising Stars)。在加州全部律师中,每年仅有2.5%的律师获此殊荣。 (DISCLAIMER: Any information or communication is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice, do not create an attorney-client relationship, and you should not rely on the information to make any decisions or take any actions. Please consult with a qualified attorney for advice specific to your situation)
Where I can help
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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.