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Edgar Sousa

Edgar Sousa

0 consultations

PT, Setubal

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About Me

*having a bug where I can't upload my picture* I aim to help men (in specific) who struggle with their mental and/or physical health I've helped upwards of 10 people with depression, anxiety, obesity etc throughout the years, I developed my own method by absorbing studies,podcasts and life experience. when it comes to physical health, I exceed in curing obesity, in fact, I've gained over 40kg of fat and stopped working out to prove that my method works and that I know what im talking about I got back to working out 41 days ago and I'm down 16kg prices are cheap since I'm not famous and I want to get some reviews to get credibility and help more people unrelated but I own a blog and I created a YouTube channel to document my journey back to a healthy lifestyle hit me up

Where I can help



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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.

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