About Me
Dr. Conner Bor, founder of Neuroactive Spine & Rehab Center, is a leader in pediatric neurorehabilitation and functional neurology, specializing in innovative, integrated therapies. With a focus on enhancing brain function and overall development, Dr. Bor and his team help children with autism, brain injuries, and neurodevelopmental challenges make meaningful progress. Core Focus Areas: * Functional Neurology: Employing brain-based activation strategies to enhance overall neurologic development. * Primitive Reflex Rehabilitation: Assessing and addressing retained reflexes that may hinder development. * Low-Level Laser Therapy: Utilizing cutting-edge laser technology to boost cellular energy, reduce inflammation, and support neurorehabilitation. * Holistic Neurodevelopment: Integrating sensory-motor exercises, nutrition, and gut health to optimize brain function. * Business Development: Growing and scaling a practice that implements cutting edge technologytechnoloig and therapies. specializes in this revolutionary care. Dr. Bor also empowers practitioners with advanced training in functional neurology and laser therapy. His work is rooted in innovation, education, and the belief in every child’s potential. ***All responses provided are for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical guidance regarding your specific situation.***
Where I can help
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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.