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Denis Gracez

Denis Gracez

1 consultations


About Me

My name's Denis & I have a background in game development specializing in all things 2D art related using programs such as the Adobe collection, Substance Painter & Designer, but now I do e-commerce & content creation + AI. Who would've thought? What Can I Help With? - I can help you with starting up an online business and take you through the process of what needs to be done. You'll still have to put in the work remember that. - Want feedback on your latest project in content creation? Reach out and I'll be happy to provide feedback or bounce off ideas you've got. - Feel like you're hitting a wall or lost? That's understandable, we've all gotten to points like that, I know I have multiple times. Shoot me a message on what's going on and I'll give you multiple ways on how to get out of it. The one thing to remember is that you need to strive to be at least 1% better everyday if you want to succeed in life. "Life is merely a trick, you're either the act or the mastermind." Which one are you?

Where I can help

Graphic Design


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