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Dannon R Vasquez

Dannon R Vasquez

0 consultations

US, Poughkeepsie

About Me

Welcome to our Botánica, a sanctuary dedicated to helping you tap into your spiritual needs and navigate life’s challenges. For over 25 years, we have been experts in providing spiritual guidance and psychic readings, fostering unity and bringing light to those in need. Our store is a haven for those seeking abundance, prosperity, and love, grounded in the belief that love conquers all. At our Botánica, you’ll discover a wide range of religious goods, including candles, herbs, oils, and spiritual tools, each carefully chosen to support your journey towards healing and enlightenment. Whether you’re facing difficult times, seeking personal growth, or aiming to attract positive energy, our knowledgeable staff is here to offer personalized advice and recommendations tailored to your unique needs. Our commitment extends beyond selling products; we are devoted to building a community where individuals find solace, inspiration, and empowerment. Let us help you access the spiritual resources necessary to create a life filled with joy, love, and prosperity. Connect with us and experience the transformative power of spiritual connection. connect with us on Minnect to embark on your spiritual journey.

Where I can help

Faith and Spirituality


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15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.

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