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Dale Davis

Dale Davis

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US, Ashdown

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About Me

American rancher, husband, and father. Serving the Lord by raising His children and caring for the land and livestock that feed and clothe the world. Loving only one woman, raising five children, while caring for a $2M+ Commercial Beef Cattle inventory. 25+ years experience and expertise in cattle handling, facility design, herd health, range/grass management, animal husbandry, horsemanship and animal psychology. Former award winning salesman for one of the leading manufacturers of livestock and rodeo equipment. Pretty handy in the kitchen…cast iron, Tex mex, soul food, comfort food, BBQ, outdoor cooking, wild game. If you want to know how to shop for groceries and feed a family with healthy, hearty meals in today’s economy, I can teach you. Collector and connoisseur of bridles, bits and spurs. Former alcoholic. I struggled with an addiction for 15+ years. I quit cold turkey, no meetings, no mess, just life and life more abundantly. I can teach you how to do it too.

Where I can help

Animal Training
Faith and Spirituality
Food and Beverage
Land Management
Veterinary Medicine


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