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Chris Bell

Chris Bell

4 consultations

US, Davis

About Me

Chris Bell is an acclaimed film director, wellness coach, and powerlifting mentor, renowned for his documentaries that have been featured at prestigious festivals like Sundance and Tribeca and viewed by audiences worldwide on Netflix. His films, such as "Bigger Stronger Faster*", delve deeply into the realms of fitness, diet, and substance recovery, resonating profoundly with global viewers. With a personal background as a competitive powerlifter who has bench pressed over 500 pounds and squatted and deadlifted over 600 pounds, Chris brings a wealth of firsthand experience to his coaching. This experience is invaluable in his role as a powerlifting coach, where he trains others to reach their strength potential safely and effectively. Chris’s expertise extends to diet and wellness, where he specializes in low-carb, high-protein diets like the carnivore and ketogenic diets. He has helped numerous individuals achieve massive weight loss through these diets, paired with low-intensity exercises that make the weight loss process both sustainable and enjoyable. In addition to his dietary guidance, Chris is knowledgeable in testosterone replacement therapy, offering vital insights for those considering this treatment. His approach is comprehensive, providing clear, informed advice on how to safely manage hormone levels to enhance overall well-being. Chris is also a skilled advisor in supplementation and pain management, helping clients move away from dependencies on substances like opioids and alcohol. His holistic strategies incorporate nutritional guidance, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements, empowering individuals to manage pain and improve their health through non-pharmaceutical means. Overall, Chris Bell's combination of personal achievement in powerlifting, expertise in dietary management, and his innovative approach to health and recovery make him a standout coach and inspiring figure in the wellness community.

Where I can help

Film and TV
Health and Wellness
Sports Performance
Strength and Conditioning


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5 (2 reviews)

Marc Simon
August 2, 2024

Chris got back to me even with a very busy schedule. I’m extremely grateful for his willingness to help me with my new products. Thank you good sir!!!

Matthew Landen
July 10, 2024

Chris gave me exactly what I needed to get started on my project. Appreciate the help.