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Angie Garcia

Angie Garcia

0 consultations

US, Reno

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About Me

A energetic leader brought to you by Minnect, born from intensive work in Finance, Human and Cultural Development, NLP, and at times School of Hard Knox. Connecting people with the resources and knowledge to grow their businesses by removing the roadblocks to strategically maximizing relationships. If you’ve stalled in your business relationships or find your long term clients are withdrawing, let’s start with a text. If you’re stuck in your role and believe your credibility with those you’re required to continually connect with is compromised, let’s schedule a 1:1 call for a deep dive. Perhaps you feel your employees are disconnected from your brand and mission driving revenue down or cost up; you, me, 1:1 ASAP! My sleeves are rolled up, you ready to dig in?! If you have a challenge with leadership or effectiveness, collaboration has never been easier. If you’re ready, I am ready! Cheers to Minnecting your connecting to the next level!

Where I can help

Public Speaking
Human Resources


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$ 8 per minute

15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.

Online booking coming soon!