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Alex DonnoloVerify icon

Alex Donnolo

13 consultations

US, Coeur D Alene

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About Me

Alex Donnolo is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, investor, coach, speaker, and mental health advocate with a unique background. At age 16, he and his best friend were wrongfully convicted of a horrific crime and sentenced to prison. Only one of them survived... Released in 2011, Alex was determined to lead an extraordinary life filled with purpose and impact… Fresh out of prison, he started a construction company while also pursuing his dream of becoming an actor. He attended the NY Film Academy, hired an agent, landed some exciting roles, and worked with many iconic stars... all while on felony parole... He was released from parole in 2016, around which time he also pulled away from acting and construction to double down on real estate.... Alex founded his investment company in 2019, growing his commercial real estate portfolio to multiple 8-figures and almost 1,000 units spanning several states and countries... In 2021, ten years after his release from prison, Alex hired a legal team to have his felony removed and his record sealed. To his surprise, the motion was approved without hesitation... Although this was a big win and the past was officially behind him, he found himself slipping into deep depression and anxiety... He studied books on trauma, psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. He started meditating daily, attending retrears, and seeking help from therapists, coaches… The beauty in his pain is that it brought him to the rooms and the people who helped him own his story and use it for the greater good, to step into his higher calling of inspiring and instilling hope, speak on stages and podcasts, to use his pain for good, and help others break free from their own shackles and achieve greatness... All proceeds go to Helping Captives, an anti-human trafficking organization.

Where I can help

Health and Wellness
Mental Health
Real Estate
Film and TV


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5 (6 reviews)

Mark Wilhelmsson
June 30, 2024

Highly recommend connecting with Alex here on Minnect!

Gary Woods - Networking Coach
June 15, 2024

Terrific content. Excellent educator.

Lanaya Sherry
June 10, 2024

Great response time and connection! Takes great work ethic and perseverance to make it after such a beginning.

Sam S
June 9, 2024

Great insight and experience!

Amanda Donnolo
June 6, 2024

Alex gives the best advice! He is knowledgeable on many different topics and truly cares about helping those around him!

Caleb Altmeyer
June 5, 2024

Alex not only helped me solve an incredibly complex problem he went above and beyond.