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Adrian Beckett

Adrian Beckett

1 consultations

SE, Stockholm

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About Me

One thing I've learned as a consultant and deep-seeker is that it's much easier to point out someone else's blind spot, than it is to confront your own. One of the reasons I've surrounded myself with coaches, consultants, and truth-tellers is that it's important for each of us to understand where our blind spots are, how they're unconsciously working against us, and how to free ourselves from their control. Believe it or not, 90% of this can be solved just by having a 3rd party listen to how you answer a few questions. Why? Because it's too difficult or uncomfortable to see something that's tangled up in our day to day—too close to the chest. Having a 3rd party to vent our frustrations to on a regular basis serves multiple purposes. 1) Venting your frustrations to someone who will not judge or project their opinion onto you is a liberating experience and often accompanied by a biochemical release which opens up the neural pathways that allow you to FIND the very solution you've been seeking 2) It's so much easier to comb your hair and get the part just right when you're looking in the mirror—a good listener, asking great questions, and well-versed in being present with you, will serve as a MIRROR for you to see how you can improve, navigate your current challenges, and move beyond them unscathed If you'd like to have a regular mirror to converse with and vent frustrations to, so you're better equipped mentially, physically, and spiritually to find solutions—then I'd love to operate as a mirror coach for you. You dial me up when you're frustrated or working through a challenge. I ask relevant questions that allow you to vent off steam and trigger the biochemicals that put you closer to solving a problem that you weren't able to fully see until you had a mirror in front of you. I will be that mirror for you. Message me to book your first appointment free of charge to see how powerful mirror coaching can be.

Where I can help



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