About Me
A strong ability to have is to understand the difference between being able to hear and the ability to listen. I’m here to do the latter exclusively for YOU. In complete and utter confidence. What you tell me will never be spoken of to ANYONE EVER. With that guarantee, you can rest assured that our conversations, consultations, or counseling shall remain private. Not only that, I’m here for you. To help you through whatever it is you need in order to move forward with a sound mind through life. I’m happy and eager to help. There’s nothing that can’t be sorted out through proper communication and understanding. It can and shall be done. I’m at your call and service and look forward to our interaction by way of Minnect. Until then, Jason
Where I can help
Find me on the Minnect app and ask me a question or booking a call!
15 minute minimum. Extend time available in call.