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Steven Bartolotti

Steven Bartolotti

0 consultations

US, San Francisco

About Me

There is nothing more important then how you feel inside yourself. Through Yoga and Meditation we can be happy inside ourselves. After traveling to Thailand and spending time with Theravada Buddhist Monks in Meditation and activities of daily living I realized that you don't need anything from the world besides your breath to be happy. In domestic life in the corporate world or in private industry I see people that have fancy cars, big houses, and money to buy anything they want but they seem miserable. The opposite was true in the monastic life. The monks I had the privilege to become friends with had nothing but a satchel and 2 robes. The monks were the happiest people I have ever met. I learned through practicing Meditation and good qualities of mind we all could be that happy with nothing. Now I live in San Francisco as a Urban Monk and have virtually nothing. I have never been happier. Accumulating money and things has no meaning to this life they come and they go. But how you feel inside yourself and how you make others feel can last an eternity. A great theravada Buddhist monk named Ajaan Chah said when you are happy and content you don't want anything and then you have everything to give.

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