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Timothy Harrold

Timothy Harrold

0 consultations

US, Springfield

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About Me

For 30+ years my profession has been solving other people’s problems. I did this on the street level as a police officer. I was promoted to Sergeant and Lieutenant in a short period of time. Not because of degrees or test taking but because of my ability to solve problems others could not. Problems not just on the streets but in administration, budgets, hiring, grant writing and training. It all seemed to fall into place. This carried into my Security profession as no problem was too small or complex. Was it perfect, no. It took a team and I also had an ability to build high functioning teams. Teams from 8 to 320 in size, they all came together and functioned well. For 14 years my skills were put to the test working in hospitals as part of Security Leadership for a large hospital system. I also worked as boots on the ground. My teams became part of the fabric of the hospitals and were relied upon by medical staff to help solve a variety of problems. Not just as security but as part of the care teams and care process. In my profession I became a Regional Manager, Security Director and Operations Manager solving problems on an executive level. But also never forgetting where I came from and what got me to my position. I have been a lifelong athlete. I played competitive sports well into my 20’s. I have lifted weights and trained for 40 years. I have belonged to science based exercise physiology organizations, USA Weightlifting and have been a Certified Trainer. I dedicated my life outside my profession to the study of human performance. I have coached athletes, lifters, regular people and helped people rehabilitate from injury. I had a full knee replacement at 51. In 16 weeks I was released to do jiu-jitsu, mma and do full athlete training. I did my own physical therapy. It is recorded on my social media. My skills were put to the test in my greatest challenge in 2022. My wife became sick with a disabling case of long-COVID. She went from running a multi-million dollar business with 80 employees to medically disabled in a matter of weeks. I could not accept this happening to her and vowed to fix it. I studied the effects of COVID on all of the systems of the body down to the cellular level. I then studied her symptoms and issues and their pathologies. If found their commonalities and looked for medical resolutions to them. Through 100’s of hours of research and theory I put together my possible treatment. I found a physician who could do the procedure. I presented my findings and theory. He agreed with my science but said it was experimental at best. He agreed to try it with no promise of results. 3 treatments and 6 weeks later everything I said would happen, happened. She was cured of all issues except the lung damage, which I knew I could do nothing about. She returned to full work and started to enjoy life again from being disabled. I solve problems. This is what I do. Let me know what you need and I will work on it. Thank you!

Where I can help

Sports Performance
Strength and Conditioning
Physical Security


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