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Mike Lomonte

Mike Lomonte

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About Me

Greetings, Minnect Community! My name is Mike Lomonte. I am a 37 year old resident of Massachusetts, a proud single father to an incredible eight year old girl, United Stares Navy veteran where I served between 2010-2015 onboard the good ship USS Toledo SSN769 as a Sonar Technician, and in my free time, an amateur video game designer. Since my time in the navy through the present, I’ve had the privilege of working at several interesting and unique engineering firms, including one that shoots laser beams at people’s heads that cure cancer! *PEW PEWWwww….* pretty cool, right? I have lived a uniquely interesting life, filled with many ups and downs as many of you have. An average life of a millennial, if you will. My parents divorced at age 8, I had several toxic step families, and grew up as a latch key kid in a fairly broken home. I’ve had the misfortune of having to watch an unusual amount of people close to me die, including my mom at age 21. In my teens and twenties… and part of my thirties… I become what most people would call a “heroin addict.” And an “alcoholic.” But it’s hard to argue that point with two DUI’s and a divorce. Anyway, I have always struggled to find happiness and purpose in my life, and until recently, I thought that everything in my life would just be a constant uphill battle just to survive and be doing somewhat ok. I found sobriety almost 3 years ago, but I still was t happy and struggling to make ends meet. But recently, I decided to undergo some intense psychedelic therapy, and lo and behold, poof… 30 years of trauma, just wiped clean. I had a very long conversation with god, and the wiring in my brain had been miraculously fixed. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVISE. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I AM SIMPLY REPORTING ONE MAN’S EXPERIENCE. Ever since then, my life has gotten exponentially better after confronting the source of all of my trauma. Now that I’m a complete and fulfilled person, I want to spend the rest of my days helping anybody that wants a hand in getting over whatever trauma or hurdles that are keeping them down so that they can go on to live fulfilled and happy themselves. Be it a death in the family, or what you’ll need to know before you head off to boot camp, I’m here to help in whatever way I can. Moving forward from my healing experience, my future plans are to come out with a book with the intention of inspiring young men out their to go slay their own personal dragons, and to give them a guide book on how to be an upright and honorable man in the 21st century. I also plan on running for public office of some kind once I finish getting my personal ducks in a row. We’re gonna need good, fighting men and women in the coming fight to save our beloved country. If I’m coming to fight, I’m coming armed to the teeth. So stand by. God bless everyone, and I’ll see you all out there. Let’s go kick some ass together.

Where I can help

Death Care Industry


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