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Steven TasciottiVerify icon

Steven Tasciotti

2 consultations


About Me

Hello Minnect family My name is Steven Tasciotti. In short (or a tictok sec) my personal background is Step-father, Father, Husband, stand up comedian, lean six sigma green belt, and entrepreneur. I am American of Italian descent born in Canoga Park, California. I moved to Greenville SC when I was 12 years old. When I graduated high school, I went to work in the industrial manufacturing space. It was here that I would learn some of the most valuable tools. I would use these tools throughout my personal life, my work life, and the pursuit of the American dream of being my own boss. I have been with the same woman since 1999. We have been married 18 years. My wife is an amazing Finland born top 5 graduate in the country. Incredibly talented. So yes, hard to win arguments with. Cars have been my passion since I could sit in my dad’s lap and steer the car. (Which by the way you would probably get you arrested nowadays). I love everything about cars. What they can do, how they look, the way they make you feel, and the story behind them. The best thing is the unity cars bring to people. 2 people that hate each other could find a conversation in cars. They unite people no matter their beliefs or political views. My purpose in life is to put dreams in driveways, and if I can do that and tell some jokes along the way to make people laugh, I will die a happy man. I am in my late 40s and I still have big dreams. It is time for a new chapter. I have collected a lot of ideas in my time and it’s time to bring them to life. My goal is to build a brand in the classic car industry incorporating media creating a new car show and pod cast. I want to grow it into a family business that will outlast generations. The future is not only bright with great leaders, but it will inspire new leaders of the next generation.

Where I can help

Film and TV
Social Media
Stand-Up Comedy


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